Hi, I'm Sheriff Subair

I help SaaS brands tell their stories and earn customer mindshare with insights-driven long-form content pieces.I go beyond conventional "How-tos" and present narratives that are backed by relevant examples, facts, and research.

Performance Management Systems: What is it, Benefits, Uses, & Examples (2023)

This piece was written to help HR leaders understand how to think about performance management systems in their organizations.

Boost business performance with payroll innovation

My target audience for this piece are People Leaders. Using a combination of customer insights, storytelling, and research, I showed the reader how to innovate payroll processes in their organization.

Ultimate hybrid event guide

This piece was written with Higher Ed CMOs in mind. In order to stand out from the countless ultimate guides written about Hybrid Events, I had to infuse a lot social proof, product knowledge, and storytelling.

7 LinkedIn marketing tips for your business

For this article, I interviewed three marketers to get proven and practical insights that social media managers can use to improve their organization's LinkedIn visibility.

Do you want content pieces like the ones above?

I love working with founders and content marketing teams to plan, create, and distribute research-driven content.Let me help you craft new content or refresh the ones you already have.